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Bhutan has an enviable reputation as the premium version of the Himalayas. Magnificent mountains, deeply traditional Buddhist culture, air so clean you can smell the glacial meltwater. Book your Bhutan tour with us and get access to one of the most unspoiled corners of the Himalayas – an immaculate Buddhist kingdom hailed as the closest thing on earth to Shangri-La.

Palbheu Tours & Trek

Dear Travelers,

You may all be aware that in Bhutan, the Royal Government of Bhutan is committed to the policy of High Value-Low Impact; this means minimal or no negative impact upon the culture while promoting ecological conservation and an equitable distribution of tourism benefits, which support social harmony.

Hard to believe? Not in Bhutan. Everything the government does is to take care of it’s people, the country, and bring about Happiness. Including the tours, too! We, at Palbheu Tours & Trek, have catered our Services to many Guests, ranging from simple folks like ourselves, to the elite classes. Henceforth, too, we will remain ever dedicated and caring to all our Guests traveling to Bhutan. Each of our Guests are given our personal treatment, starting from arranging and making the tour itinerary, to ultimately being there for them when they tour Bhutan. This is how we have had many more Guests coming through over the years.






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